Sunday, May 17, 2020
To Stop the Rape Culture Essay examples - 852 Words
It is not uncommon in this day and age to hear someone say, â€Å"Well if she wasn’t dressed like that,†or â€Å"she was drunk and asking for it,†when you hear the unfortunate story of another girl being the victim of sexual assault or rape. It is likewise as common for these crimes to go unreported, due to the victims feeling they will not be believed, or become subject to further shame and humiliation. This is because of the idea of â€Å"rape culture,†a term coined in the 1970’s during the second wave of feminism. It suggests that the reason that these actions and concepts are so commonplace is because they are things ingrained into our collective psyches from a very early age. As a victim and survivor myself, I believe that this needs to change.†¦show more content†¦The â€Å"1 in 4†refers to the accepted â€Å"figure on womens rape victimization cited in womens studies departments, rape crisis centers, womens magazines, and on protest buttons and posters.†Sommers explains the â€Å"1 in 8†as such: â€Å"The other frequently cited nongovernment rape study, the National Womens Study, was conducted by Dean Kilpatrick. From an interview sample of 4,008 women, the study projected that there were 683,000 rapes in 1990. As to prevalence, it concluded that in America, one out of every eight adult women, or at least 12.1 million American women, has been the victim of forcible rape sometime in her lifetime.†- Sommers Sommers explains that rape has been allowed to continue as it has because, in our society, women are naturally supposed to be seen as victims to male desire, of any sort. Rape is â€Å"normal male behavior,†and they simply can’t help how virile they are. In spite of the fact that politicians claim to be trying to stop this, they seriously misuse the funds they are granted, and we end up right where we started. In December of 2012, when Americans learned of a ga ng-rape case involving a 23 year old woman in India, people were utterly outraged. But shortly after the massive backlash the news media received, other stories that were similar came out, such as the Steubenville RapeShow MoreRelatedRape Essay995 Words  | 4 Pages Rape affects the mind, body, and soul of a person deeper than one can imagine, and must be taken more seriously. Many victims feel afraid to report rape because they are terrified of being judged by people, labeled by society, or even harmed by their rapists. Also, the media distorts the idea of rape. Many of the jokes people make and the slang society uses across social media reflect rape and rape culture. 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It is a problem that has always been around, but it just was not given a name. Rape culture is defined as, â€Å"A society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and abuse.†(â€Å"Rape) An example of how this would play out in ourRead MoreRape Culture Essay1198 Words  | 5 PagesRape culture is prevalent on all college campuses, and many fail to realize this and what rape culture is. It is in the party scene, athletics, in dorm rooms, and everywhere else around campus. It is the acceptance of sexual jokes, saying â€Å"she was asking for it because of what she was wearing,†not taking sexual assault seriously, and so much more. Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popularRead MoreRape Culture1369 Words  | 6 PagesIt is six o’clock in the evening, a special news segment on world affairs is on the television. The journalist is doing a piece on inhumane practices that occur in third world countries, one of these travesties being rape. The voices of women who have been stolen from their homes and have been taken advantage of against their own will infiltrate the air. These personal stories have an incredulously powerful impact on those listening and make one think â€Å"How could such an outrageous thing happen?†Read MoreRape in Society1097 Words  | 5 PagesA cause of rape culture is the objectification and domination of woman. Men are taught to assert their dominance and superiority, and some will do that with or without consent. Men see women as objects waiting to be used and conq uered whether it is at home, the work place, or in the media. A woman’s body is not her own, but merely used for the pleasure of a man. 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She goes on to argue how rape culture is normalizedRead MoreRape Culture in the Media Essay750 Words  | 3 Pages "Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture†(1a) Today you cant turn the television on without hearing references to rape culture. Jokes about sexual abuse plague every sitcom and news channels question rape victim’s every move. Even entire shows are dedicated to the topic such as Law and Order SVU. The media trivializes rape leading to a rape culture in America. Despite rape cultureRead MoreRape Culture Essay1180 Words  | 5 Pages For centuries, rape culture has not been clearly defined by ideas, beliefs, or attitudes. As a pretty controversial subject, there is no correct definition for the term â€Å"rape culture†. It is generally defined by the way a person perceives rape, and for that reason, there are many beliefs towards rape. 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